Sharehodlers Relationship
Invitation of EMG (December 27, 2018)
Attachment file: Program of EGM.pdf Meeting document.pdf Nomination letter.pdf CV of new candidate.pdf Draft Resolution.pdf
EGM on electing BOM,_IC members for new term 2018-2023
The attached file bellow include all documents relating to this meeting and protected by password, please contact to Ms. Hoai to get more information: Ms. Nguyen Thu Hoai Email: Phone: 0888616424 Download attached files
Minute of Meeting and Resolutions of AGM18
Below attached file is the document relate to the meeting and resolutions of AGM18. For more detail please contact: Ms. Nguyen Thu Hoai Email: Phone: 0888616424 Download attached files
Announcement for meeting documents of AGM18 (Updated)
Dear GDS Shareholders, Please kindly be updated the changed program of Annual General Meeting 2018 (AGM) of GDS as attached. The attached file bellow include all documents relating to this meeting and protected by password, please contact to Ms. Hoai to get more information: Ms. Nguyen Thu Hoai Email: Phone: 0888616424 […]
Announcement of Annual General Meeting 2018
The attached file bellow include all documents relating to this meeting and protected by password, please contact to Ms. Hoai to get more information: Ms. Nguyen Thu Hoai Email: Phone: 0888616424 Download attached files
Announcement closing of attendant list of shareholders for Annual General Meeting 2018
Board of Management of Global Data Service JSC (GDS) would like to announce to all Sharehodlers of Global Data Service JSC about the closing of attendant list for Annual General Meeting of Shareholders 2018 (AGM 2018) as follows: Date of closing: 27th February 2018 Reason and Purpose: Closing of attendant list of shareholders who have […]